5 Things Parents Need to KNOW by Jamie Oliver -FOOD REVOLUTION
(I love Jamie Oliver and what he is doing to help children here in the US, it is sick some of the stuff they are feeding our kids in schools. Lets be aware parents and know what it is our kids are eating at school and in our homes. He has really opened my eyes to what things are actually made of like: "chicken" nuggets or the 80-85% lean ground beef - NASTY!! )
(This is an excerpt from a paper I wrote for my parenting class discussion about Childhood Obesity)
What things can parents do to prevent childhood obesity?
*Reexamine: Family dynamics including family rules, emotional support, encouragement, reinforcement from other family members, and family member participation (because they are important determinants of the family’s health-behavior patterns (cdc)
Tips for Preventing obesity and helping children with obesity:
*Eating dinner together as a family has been associated with healthy weight and consumption of healthy foods. ( Intake patterns among children and older adolescents when eating dinner with their parents resulted in consumption of more fruits and vegetables, less fried food and soda, and less saturated and trans fat; lower glycemic loads; and more fiber and more micronutrients from food.) (cdc)
*Start making healthy changes at a young age (research does suggest that some food preferences developed in early childhood persist into adulthood, not to mention how much harder it is to make changes in our behavior when in adulthood. CDC)
*Be a good example! Getting the entire family involved with the healthy changes not just the obese child (it is clear that the family environment plays a critical role in both the development and reduction of obesity. Positive eating behavior changes last longer if interventions are aimed at family rather than individuals’ attitudes and habits (CDC))
*Watch less than 2 hours of television/day (AAP reports: Children who watch four or more hours of television per day are also more likely to be obese than children who watch less than 2 hours a day.)cdc
*Keep the television/video games/computer out of the bedroom
*Encourage physical activity - through example, doing it together, cutting back on tv and other deterrents.
TIPS for getting kids excited about exercise:
§ Physical activity is a great way for you to spend quality time with your children. Emphasize the fun of an activity rather than skill.
§ Build family activity into every day, perhaps taking an after-dinner walk or bike ride or dancing to fast music in the living room.
§ Plan active family outings, such as hikes, ice-skating, swimming or Frisbee. Try a family vacation that emphasizes canoeing, bicycling, camping or swimming.
§ On birthdays, give presents that encourage activity, such as a jump rope, pogo stick, bicycle, in-line skates, or a basketball.
§ Encourage physical activity during commercials
TIPS FOR Eating Healthfully (Yale):
§ Use the Food Guide Pyramid as a guide for food choices. Serve fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans and lean meats and poultry. Use low-fat or nonfat milk products (except for children younger than 2 years old).
§ Keep healthy snack foods in the house and easily accessible , such as fresh fruit, vegetables, low salt and low-fat pretzels. Make Healthy Foods fun like- ants on a log (celery with pb and raisins), or whole grain pita pizza using veggies to make faces.
§ Do not purchase high fat, high sugar or high calories snacks. If they are not in the home you will not be tempted to eat them yourself or distribute them to your children.
§ Have your children start the day with a good breakfast, such as oatmeal or whole-grain cereal with fruit and low-fat milk, whole wheat toast, a fruit smoothie made with low-fat yogurt.
§ Involve kids in shopping for and preparing meals. Children like to eat what they've helped prepare. Don’t take them down the candy or snack food isles.
§ Don't keep unhealthy foods in the house. Teach your children about healthy foods that can be eaten every day.
§ Make informed decisions about the food you are eating and giving your children (what are those chicken nuggets really made of?)
§ Try to make a habit of eating only while sitting at the table (i.e no eating while watching tv, in the car, standing,etc.)
*Foster self-esteem
(When children feel good about themselves they are more likely to make changes that are healthy. Experts at BCM suggest to parents to help children find and point out their strengths, talents, and abilities. You can help them feel valuable by getting them involved with serving others some examples are: community volunteer work, visiting an elderly neighbor, helping Grandma with yard work, etc. As well as helping them to set, work at, and reach goals.) (Yale, 2010)
“How to Prevent Childhood Obesity” (Yale, 2011)
“Using the Family to Combat Childhood Obesity” (CDC, 2005-2010)
“Combating Obesity Challenges and Choices” (by: John Peters) (Peters, 2003)
“How Parents can Fight the Obesity Epidemic” (UMHS, 2003/updated 2009)